"The central part of a circular object (such as a wheel or propeller spokes) attached to the hub of the wheel. 2: a centre or focus of activity" is a HUB.

These dictionary definitions state what the HSP HUB aims to become: the place for the focus of discussion about what Conservatism is. Our HUB will keep all our ideas and proposals in one place. 

For example, our website already houses a brief history of the Conservative Party and an essay about the dire implications for society of the teaching and practice of “critical thinking”.

We aim to grow a regular flow of analyses, commentaries, and opinion pieces aiming to help clarify what makes up “core Conservatism”, to help argue for this core Conservatism against the assault of state socialist, “progressive”, and woke thinking.

The HSP HUB can become an important resource for other Conservative Associations, and for CCHQ, to draw upon in promoting Conservatism. 

We invite Members and supporters of our Party to offer to prepare a paper addressing a topic of their own to clarify some aspect of Conservative thinking. Policy proposals are welcome, as are reflections on current Government policies, or the proposals of opposition parties.

As guidelines, we suggest that contributions should be between about 500 and 2,000* words.  The style should be easy to read and jargon-free. No topics are excluded. Crucially, though, the content must make clear what the Conservative core values exemplified are. Our "woke" piece here is an example.

Contributions will be attributed to their authors, unless anonymity is asked for. If so, it would be guaranteed. Published contributions would not reflect the settled opinion of our Association, of course: how could they!

Procedure: before starting, please use the survey below to notify us of your topic with a very brief description of it. This will help both to avoid duplication, or – possibly – promote fruitful collaborations.

All contributions will also be seen by the Chair prior to going onto our website.

Some examples of areas to look at through a conservative lens are: Defence, Education, the NHS, nationalising energy companies, the growth of the HR industry, “cancelling”, net zero, and the state of the Union.

If you have a view – have a go! We’ll edit out any typos, problem grammar, or syntax. If you’d prefer to offer a draft for us to discuss with you, we’d welcome this.


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more items


Daniel Korski: Minor crimes are a major problem

One of our members, the technology entrepreneur and former Deputy Head of Policy at Downing Street, Daniel Korski, has written an excellent piece for ConHome on tacking minor crimes. The article is available here.

Richard Molineux: The 15 minute money-maker

A new source of top-down decision making by our elected representatives is the growth in the number of Councils which are suddenly promoting schemes to create “15 minute” cities.

The Problem of Left-Wing Ideology in Education

The founder of Conservative Friends of Education (and good friend of HSP), Stephen James, has written a piece highlighting the damage being done to our children's education by militant left-wing teachers, who, ironically, remain unaware of their own "unconscious bias" - against those who disagree

Standing up for women's rights

Over on ConservativeHome, Sarah Ingham has written an excellent piece calling for our party to be emphatic in its support for women's rights, at a time when many on the Left have taken a dangerous stance in the 'gender wars'. The full article is available here.

Putting Parents First

Stephen James, award-winning teacher and founder of Conservative Friends of Education, has written an excellent piece reminding schools that they exist to serve children first and foremost, and parents are the best guardians of their children's interests, not vested interests.