The Conservative Party was formally founded in 1830 and had its roots in the 1680s. We have played a major role in life of our country ever since.
We have formed Governments and coalition Governments at many critical moments, and out of Government we have always led the Opposition. We have been constructive in opposition, and – for example – although we have reversed the failed nationalisations of Labour’s 1945-51 Government, we have recognised the benefits of a nationalised health system. Like Labour we have introduced many improvements to that first scheme, and remain wedded to the fundamental concept of a service open to all at the point of use for free.
We also retain the best of the Welfare System promoted in the Beveridge Report of 1942 during the wartime coalition Government led by Winston Churchill, and largely enacted by Labour’s post war Atlee Government.
We did not always take positions that stood the test of time. We opposed the first Parliamentary Reform Act of1832, but then we supported and drove through the crucial Franchise Reform Act of 1867, inspired by Benjamin Disraeli’s passion and oratory.
20th Century
We became the Unionist Party officially in the late 1800s, and have since steadfastly supported the integrity of the United Kingdom.
The first World War made it urgent to give the vote to every adult man, because so many had fought in the war. This was done for those aged 21 and over. Women too, were enfranchised at age of 30, and then 21 in 1928. Conservatives supported all these moves, and gained great support from women and working people for it. We provided most Governments from 1918 to 1945.
During the 1930s and 40s, Labour made great strides with the intellectual classes by marketing the idea of a “scientifically based” system of Government that would do away with all inequality and produce great economic gains. Thus, they won a landslide in 1945.
The next six years proved that “scientific” socialism is too rigid, too full of “orthodoxies”, and too restrictive of independent activity and thought outside the reach of the bureaucracy which state socialism has to create.
Thus, we won in 1952, and scientific socialism was put to one side, apart from a brief outing under Jeremy Corbyn.
Since then we have been in Government for about 2/3 of the time.
Personal tax rates have plummeted from a top rate of well over 90% in the ‘50s and ‘60s to one of 45% today, while the basic rate which was 33% in the ‘60s is now 20%. Also, the EU mandated - Value Added Tax can be used far more sensitively after 31 December 2020.
We also selected two female Prime Ministers. We await the first female Leader of the Labour Party with interest.
We do what the times demand – we are pragmatic and realistic
Since 1952, seven different Leaders of our Party have formed Governments after General Elections, and we have been in Government for 42 of those 68 years. In all that time we have consistently supported a vigorous and well-supported capitalist system in our country, and by doing so we have safeguarded that flow of taxation which makes possible the welfare, health, and education services people need, and the armed forces the nation itself needs in an ever-more heavily militarised world.
Covid 19- take care!
A rampaging new virus is at large. We need to stop it spreading and mutating. We need a vaccine, and we need people to take care and to be cautious in their lives. The vaccine may be coming soon: take advantage of it.
Historians will judge how each country dealt with Covid 19, given each country’s own social economic and political constraints. We wish everyone who holds a position of responsibility in this situation the strength to perform at and above their best.
Conservatives respect others’ opinions
We were pulled into various camps over the question of the benefits and disbenefits of remaining in the EEC, and EU as it became. But we have not split into separate parties.
This is because we have a tradition of openness with each other, and of giving as much as we get in discussion. We welcome new members and offer the space for intelligent and spirited debate. Go to our Community and Get Involved pages to explore joining the Holborn and St Pancras Conservative Association and offer your insights on the topics of the day to a Party that listens.